Monday, May 20, 2013


I played with my slr the other day and i will have plenty to post from now on. Been on instagram lately, so lots of my latest shots are what mostly sells. Finally learned how to adjust my shutter speed. Stupid isn't it? :)

Hairflip. So proud, took this shot in one go

Ignore the messy bed, this was one of the test shots

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Galaxy Shirts and Leather Skirts

Sooo anyywayyy, we all have that one friend who needs a tough chic look cuz she's just too gentle. An outfit that will mean business kinda thing. Here is my dear friend of 9 years, who asked for outfit for her birthday and got something she normally wouldn't wear. I got all mischievous and got her away from her normal ladylike tops and blue jeans to this. Quite refreshing for someone turning legal wouldn't you say.

Btw, follow me on IG @notesfromajazzerina

This was more of a style shoot more than a photography shoot. The lighting just wasn't grooving
with the sit of the place. Oooh, first style shoot to be posted :)

I told her to face back and she pulled this emo shoot hahahah

Cotton on. Cats AND galaxy print <3

Kept the pleats to retain of of her girly style. The bag and shoe is mine. Bag is from a flea market

My fading sneakerless. The shoes she brought to my place for the shoot didn't match so yeah.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Christmas Loot Shoot

Ok, some leftovers from the last post's shoot. These were the accessory shoots that I squeezed in between breakfast and waiting to be picked up. Now that summer has arrived, i hope for more time to do shoots. Good day :)

Potential wallpaper. Its the whicker chair next to the bed.

My necklace for my denim top that day.

Stack rings, in bows.

Yeah, thats the stand of my souvenir

Sunday, February 17, 2013


It crept up like BOOM. Seriously,that's how prom caught me. The hotel room had this nice wide window with excellent lighting and being the weirdo that I am, I decided to take advantage of it while risking my carefully done up make up and clothes.

As soon as this shot was taken, it was destined to be my facebook cover photo

The font of the souvenier was nice but somewhat unreadable. My "y" turned to an "h"

My corsage still looking very alive after a day in very drying air conditioning surroundings. I managed not to shuck off any of the smaller flowers too

Its true color is somewhat a paler gold

Focus on the lighting on the centre. Will replace that with a candle for Halloween

Full body shot! If you scroll down my library there are more photos of the sides than the actual body

Its not blue. Its not just green. It blue- green. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Beach Trip

Really busy more than ever. Believe it or not, I'm making a roof. But let's talk about my latest trip to the beach. Enjoy!

Around 6 in the evening, don't you just want to sit around and emote in the sand?

Never got to stay in one of these gazebo things

Add captioOk, I'm pushing it, too little light, I know.

Footprints in the sand. Or animal print of sorts, take it anyway you want

my generally new slippers are so photogenic :">

8 30 am in the morning, don't be stupid enough to be barefoot around the rocky areas

Jewelled chandelier at Sonia's garden

Not mine, actually its my uncle's. Post card -potential!