Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mid-week Post

To be honest, this is more of a nostalgia post...but I'll get back to the accessory/make up thing on the weekend. Anyways, just the other day, I saw how other kids from my recent winter were saying how much they missed camp. I didn't miss all of it considering the long lunch lines at the hotel, the heavy colds and even heavier coats, gloves ect but then I did miss sliding on the snow, hurling snowballs and just being plain stupid/silly in the privacy of one of your friends' room. Here are some pictures of random things in the snowy day.


more deer and a glimpse of our uniform

snowy house, looking rather haunted

giant Coca-Cola bottle made of ice blocks. If that isn't frigid to be near at, i don't know what is...

My only picture of the SNOW exhibit (takenote of snow and not ice. there's a distinction)

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